Two months have passed since I started making this comic, and now that I’m again used to work on a regular schedule, I think it’s time to get serious and start updating three times per week, so I’m doing a test on September to see if I can do it while keeping the level of detail.
Loose Cannons is a very special project for me. In 2008 I drew a fanzine called Gata y Panda, which sares the basic starting point of Loose Cannons: bounty hunters fighting bad guys; but it was more of an action comedy, where now I intend to introduce elements of drama on the characters backstories and personal arcs. It ended being a 128 page mess that I’m sure it’s pretty fun to read if you’re drunk. Fortunately it’s only in Spanish, and I printed a small number of copies, so my shame is at a minimum (but who knows, maybe one day I’ll upload it so you guys can have a laugh).
A lots of things have changed since then, and not only in a aesthetic sense: both the story and the characters have grown more complex. To be sincere, I’m afraid. This is a big project, and I don’t know yet how much it will take me to complete it. But I know how it will end, and I hope that you will enjoy reding it as much a I drawing it.